Tales from Spenser, Chosen from the Faerie Queene Read online

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  _London, Simpkin, Hamilton and Co._ _Cambridge, Macmillan and Bowes._ _Edinburgh, Douglas and Foulis._




  In writing these Tales from "The Faerie Queene," no attempt has beenmade to interpret their allegorical or explain their historic bearing.Intended for children, the stories are related simply as stories, andtherefore only those episodes in the poem most interesting and mostcomplete in themselves have been chosen. In no case do the Tales pretendto relate the whole that Spenser tells of their heroes and heroines.


  Una and the Lion

  Prince Arthur helps Una to find the Red-cross Knight

  How the Red-cross Knight slew the Dragon

  Britomart and the Magic Mirror

  Britomart and Amoret

  The Story of Marinell and Florimell


  How Britomart found Artegal

  Cambello and Triamond

  The Story of Timias

  Calidore and Pastorella



  Faerie Queene. Book I. Cantos I., III., VI.

  Once upon a time, while fairies and goblins still lingered in theforests of Merry England, a great queen named Gloriana reigned overFaeryland. The subjects over whom she ruled were not tiny creatures likeOberon and Titania, but brave knights who went out from her courtendowed with magic powers to redress wrongs and help those in trouble.

  Now there lived at this time a king and queen of very ancient lineage,whose dominions stretched from east to west, and who had once held allthe world in subjection. But a cruel enemy had arisen against them, anddestroyed their rich lands, and killed the inhabitants, and forced theking and queen to take refuge in a strong castle, guarded by a mightywall of brass. This enemy was no other than a huge and fearful dragon.From every quarter of the globe knights came to fight the accursedbeast, but only those whose faith was strong and conscience clear couldprevail; and thus knight after knight fell before the dragon, who grewstronger and more cruel in his success.

  The king and queen had one child, a daughter, whose name was Una. Sheloved her parents dearly, and hearing of the knights of queen Gloriana,she resolved to go to the Faerie Court and pray for assistance for herparents who had now been four years prisoners, and were in greatdistress. She set out upon her journey, dressed in a long black robecovered by a deep veil; she rode an ass as white as snow, and led by aline a milk-white lamb, a symbol of innocence. Behind her followed adwarf, bearing a spear in his hand, and leading a war-like steed, onwhose back was laid a suit of armour. Thus accoutred, Una appeared atthe court of Gloriana.

  Shortly before, a young man, tall and powerful, but clownish inappearance, had arrived at the Faerie Court and had prayed to be sent onthe first adventure that should arise. When, therefore, Una came andpreferred her request, the young man claimed the enterprise as hisright. Gloriana wondered at his boldness, for he had not a knightly air,and Una herself objected, but he only urged his suit the more, and atlength Una said he might try on the armour she had brought, but that,unless it fitted him perfectly, it was impossible he could succeed in sodangerous an enterprise.

  Now, the armour which Una had was that of a Christian knight; and whenit was tried on, lo! the clownish youth changed into the noblest of allthe company. And Queen Gloriana conferred knighthood upon him; and he,mounting the steed led by the dwarf, went forth with Una to vanquish herfoe. Henceforth the youth is called the Red-cross knight, for on hissilver shield, and on the breast-plate of his armour, was a blood-redcross, the symbol of the Christian faith. And the knight proved rightworthy of his cross: he was true and faithful both in word and deed, andhis countenance was grave and sober, befitting one who dreaded nodanger, but was himself held in dread; so Una loved him well.

  Now, it happened that, shortly after Una and her knight had left thecourt of Gloriana, they met a grave old man dressed in long black weeds;he had bare feet, and a hoary head, and a book hung from his side; andas he walked, he prayed and smote upon his breast in the manner of ahermit. But he was, instead, a wicked enchanter named Archimago, who, bymeans of the most cunning tricks, deceived the Red-cross knight, madehim think Una an impostor, and beguiled him and also the dwarf away fromher. This made the lady very sad, for not only was she lonely andhelpless in the strange land through which she was passing, but, unlessshe could find the knight, she must give up the hope of seeing the crueldragon subdued and her dear parents set free. So Una, brave as she wasgood, put away her fears, and travelled on through vast forests anddesolate moors, seeking for her knight.

  One day, when almost wearied out, Una alighted from her slow-footedsteed, and, taking off her robe and unbinding the band which confinedher hair, lay down to rest; and so fair and lovely was she that hersweet countenance made sunshine in the shady place in which she lay.Now, while she rested, there suddenly burst out from the forest a lion,hungry and greedy, who, seeing the maiden, ran towards her with jawswide-open, ready to devour his prey. But, as the lion drew nearer to themaiden, his rage changed into pity, and, amazed at the fair sight beforehim, he forgot his savage fury and licked her lily hands and kissed herweary feet. And Una, unable at first to cease from the fear of death,watched him, hardly believing her eyes, and then her heart began to meltin gratitude and her tears to flow, as she thought how this fierce lordof beasts pitied her, while her own lord, whom she loved as her verylife, had forsaken her.

  At length Una checked her tears, and, trying to put away her grief,arose, and, remounting her humble steed, set out again to seek herknight. But she was no longer a defenceless maiden, for with her wentthe lion--a strong guardian and faithful comrade--who, while she slept,kept both watch and ward, and, while she waked, waited on her will,taking direction from his lady's eye.

  One day, as the damsel and the lion travelled thus through untroddendeserts, they unexpectedly came upon a beaten path. Following this path,which led under the brow of a steep mountain, Una observed a young girlwalking slowly before them, bearing on her shoulder a water-pot. To herUna called, and asked if there were any dwelling-place near at hand. Butthe girl was rude, and did not reply; indeed, she seemed neither to hearnor understand, and when she saw the lion fear seized upon her, and,throwing down her pitcher, she fled. She dared not once look back, butran as if her life depended on her speed, until she reached her home,where sat her mother old and blind. This was Corceca, a wicked woman anda hypocrite, who was wont daily to fast and pray and do painful penance.With trembling hands, the girl caught hold of the old woman, andexhibited such signs of terror that her mother rose in great alarm andhastened to close the door just as Una and her strange page arrived. Unaprayed hard for admittance, but in vain; and at this the lion lifted hisgreat paws, and, tearing down the wicket door, let his lady in. Shefound the two women almost dead with fright, crouching in the darkestcorner of the hovel. Una tried to calm their fears by gentle words andlooks, and after a time succeeded so far as to receive permission torest there for the night. She was very weary and laid herself down onthe floor--the lion at her feet--but she was too sad for the loss of the
Red-cross knight to sleep, and so spent the long hours in sighs andgroans and bitter tears.

  At length morning approached, and with it came some one knocking at thedoor. He knocked loud and repeatedly, and was heard to curse and swearbecause the door was not more readily opened to him. Now, he who knockedwas a wicked thief, who robbed churches and stole money from the poormen's box. At this very moment he had on his back a heavy load of stolengoods, for all that he got, whether by lawful means or unlawful, hebrought to this old woman's house and bestowed upon her daughter Abessa,who was as wicked as herself. There he stood knocking at the door, butneither Abessa nor Corceca dared pass by the lion to open. At length,Kirk-rapine, for such was his name, became quite furious and would waitno longer, but burst open the door. Alas! for Kirk-rapine; the moment heentered, the lion rose from Una's feet, and, outstretching his lordlypaws, laid the robber low. The wretched man was powerless to resist, nordid Abessa or Corceca dare to go to his assistance, and very soonKirk-rapine lay quite dead--his body torn in pieces, and his bloodflowing into the earth.

  Now, when the broad daylight returned, Una arose, and with her the lion,and once more set out together to seek the knight. As soon as she wasgone, the women came out from their dark corner, to see whether or nottheir worst fears were realized. When they saw that Kirk-rapine wasindeed slain, they tore their hair, and beat their breasts, and, halfmad with malice and revenge, rushed forth in pursuit of Una. As soon asthey got near her, they began to shout and cry after her, calling herall sorts of bad names and praying that every kind of evil might befallher. At length, tired out with their own curses, they turned back, andon the way met one clad in armour as became a knight.

  This was, however, no knight, but Archimago, the wicked enchanter, who,not content with having separated Una from her champion, sought to leadher into further distress. He stopped the old woman, and, describingUna, asked if she had seen any such lady. Thereupon Corceca's passionbecame renewed, and, crying and cursing, she declared she knew her buttoo well, and told him which way to take.

  Before long, Archimago came where "Una travelled slow," her fierceguardian treading by her side. The sight of the lion alarmed theenchanter, and he turned aside, not daring to approach too near. NowArchimago had taken care to disguise himself as Una's own Red-crossknight. When, therefore, she recognized the well-known shield, sheturned and rode towards him, and, as she approached more near, becameassured in her own mind that this was indeed her lost lord. Hasteningon, in much humility and with tears in her eyes, she exclaimed: "Ah! mylong-lost lord, where have you been so long hidden from my sight?" Thepretended knight replied "that his absence had been enforced in that acertain Archimago had sent him on an adventure, from which he had nowreturned successful, and ready henceforth to abide by her and defend herby land and sea." His words made Una very happy. In her new-found joy,she forgot the pains and toils she had encountered and journeyed on,discoursing happily of all that had befallen her.

  They had not, however, travelled far when they saw an armed horsemanriding towards them at full speed. Although his horse was covered withfoam, the warrior kept spurring it from time to time, and looked as ifhe were breathing forth dread threats of vengeance on some unknownvictim. On his shield his name Sansloy was written in red letters. Now,this Sansloy was a Saracen knight, and was brother of another knightnamed Sansfoy, but this brother had encountered the Red-cross knightshortly after he and Una left the Faerie Court, and had been slain byhim. The moment, therefore, that Sansloy had seen the cross onArchimago's armour, he had determined to avenge his brother's death, andbore down thus fiercely on the enchanter and the lady. But Archimago hadno mind to fight; he grew faint and fearful when he saw the warrior, andit was only when Una cheered him on that he ventured to couch his spearor put spurs to his horse. Sansloy showed no mercy, but came on withsuch force and fierceness that his spear went right through Archimago'sshield and hurled his antagonist from his charger, so that he fellheavily to the ground, while the blood gushed from his wound.Immediately Sansloy leapt from his steed and hastened toward hisprostrate foe exclaiming, "Lo! there the worthy meed of him who slewSansfoy with bloody knife," and thereupon began to unlace Archimago'shelmet, thinking to sever his head at one stroke. But Una saw hispurport, and cried out, beseeching him to hold "that heavy hand," urgingthat surely Sansloy's revenge was enough when he saw his foe lievanquished at his feet. To her piteous words the cruel Saracen paid noattention, but tore off the other's helmet, and would have given thefatal blow had he not perceived before him, instead of the Red-crossknight, the hoary head of Archimago the enchanter. He stayed his hand,and gazed on the old man in amazement, for he knew him well, and knewthat, skilful as Archimago was in charms and magic, he was but littleused to war.

  "Why, Archimago," he exclaimed, "what do I see? What hard mishap isthis?"

  The enchanter answered him never a word, but lay in a trance, apparentlydying, and Sansloy, who had no compassion in his soul, made no attemptto render him assistance.

  He turned instead to Una, who, poor damsel, was in sore amazement to seethat he whom she had believed her own true knight was the cruelenchanter who had caused all her distress. Her wonder soon changed intoterror, for Sansloy proceeded to seize hold of her white veil and pluckher rudely from her steed and gaze boldly in her face. But now arose thelion, her fierce servant, and, full of kingly rage at seeing his ladythus maltreated, sprang upon the Saracen, and with sharp-rending clawsstrove to tear away his shield. But Sansloy was very strong and wary,and, redeeming the shield from the lion's paws, he drew his sword. Alas!the power of the wild beast was all too weak to withstand a foe armed atevery point and so mighty in strength and in skill as Sansloy. Very soonthe deadly steel pierced the lion's heart, and he roared aloud, and lifeforsook him. Una was left alone in the hands of a cruel warrior, bereftof hope, for her faithful guardian was slain. She knew not where to lookfor help, and indeed help seemed very far away.

  The Saracen would listen to no entreaty, but lifted her on to his ownsteed and bore her off, while the lowly ass, who would not forsake hislady, followed as best he could. With piteous words, she wept and beggedfor freedom, but all in vain; her words only increased the hardness ofher captor's heart.

  After a time, Una found herself borne into a wild forest. Here thedamsel's terror became extreme, and she cried aloud in her distress. Shehad no hope of succour, but succour came.

  "Eternal providence, exceeding thought, Where none appears, can make herself a way."

  And a wondrous way in this case it proved.

  Far off in the wood, a troop of Fauns and Satyrs, wild, untamedinhabitants of deepest forests, were dancing, whilst old Sylvanus, theirgod, lay sleeping. These, hearing Una's cry, left their sport, and,running towards the spot from which the cry had come, appeared suddenlyon the scene.

  They were a rude, misshapen, even frightful-looking crowd, and Sansloy,like the wicked knight that he was, seized with superstitious fears,took fright and fled. But, when the Satyrs beheld Una all alone, sad anddesolate, her fair face stained with tears, they stood still before her,astonished at her beauty, and pitiful of her distress. And she, moreamazed than they, began to fear and tremble afresh, for wild storieswere told of the Satyrs and of their lawless deeds. And it seemed to herthat a worse lot than ever before had now befallen her. So fearful wasshe that she dared neither speak nor move.

  The wild people read Una's sorrow in her sad countenance, and, layingaside the rough, frowning looks they usually wore, began to grin andsmile and bend their knees before her, trying thus to comfort her.Uncertain whether or not she dare trust herself to them, Una stoodirresolute. They, as they watched her, were overcome by pity of hertender youth and wonder at her sovereign beauty, and prostratingthemselves on the ground, kissed her feet and fawned upon her with theirmost kindly looks.

  Then Una, guessing their hearts aright, gave herself up to their care,and, rising, went fearlessly among them. Glad as birds in the joyousspring-time, they led her forth dancing, sh
outing, singing, and strewinggreen branches before her. All the way they played on their merry pipes,until the woods rang with their echo; and, worshipping the lady as aqueen, they crowned her with an olive garland and led her to Sylvanus,their god.

  He had wondered at the sounds of rejoicing which had roused him from hissleep, but when, leaning on his cypress staff, he came forth from hisbower and saw Una, he stood amazed and wondered not when his wood-bornsubjects fell prostrate before her.

  And then came tree-nymphs and light-footed Naiads, flocking to see thenew-comer. But when they saw how fair and good she was, sharp envyseized upon them, and they fled away lest the Satyrs, in their new-bornreverence for Una, should scorn their ancient playmates.

  So Una, thankful for the favour she found and the respect shown to her,remained a long time among this forest people, and rested from herweariness. In return for their hospitality, she tried to teach themsomething of truth, and to prevent their worship of herself, but it wasin vain, for when they found they might not worship the lady, theyturned to the milk-white ass, her lowly steed, and worshipped it in herstead.

  One day there came to the forest a certain Sir Satyrane, a noble knightwho had been born in these woods, and who was in the habit of revisitingthem from time to time. Now, when he came unexpectedly on this fair ladysitting among the Satyrs and endeavouring to teach them true sacredlore, he wondered at her heavenly wisdom, the like of which he had neverbefore seen in woman. And when he watched her courteous deeds and heardthe story of her sad misfortunes, his wonder changed into admiration,and he became her scholar and learned of her "the discipline of truthand faith."

  Thus Una and Sir Satyrane grew close friends, and at length she told himher most secret grief, how deeply she longed to find the Red-crossknight, and how all her secret thoughts were spent in contriving anescape from her kind but rude guardians. So Sir Satyrane began to devisehow he might help her, and one day while the Satyrs had all gone to payhomage to Sylvanus, the strong knight led away the gentle virgin, andafter further adventures, of which you shall hear in the next tale, Unadid at last rejoin her long-lost knight to the great comfort of themboth.