Tales from Spenser, Chosen from the Faerie Queene Read online

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  Faerie Queene. Book VI. Cantos I., IX., X., XI., XII.

  Of all the knights that lived at Gloriana's Faery Court, there was nonemore gentle or more courteous than Sir Calidore. He was beloved by everyone, for to his natural gentleness of spirit and grace of manner wasadded a manly bearing and courtesy of speech that stole men's heartsaway. He was tall and strong, and much renowned for his bravery inbattle, and he never employed his great gifts for mean purposes orflattered any one, for he loved simple truth and steadfast honesty.

  Now about this time a very hideous monster was wandering about inFaeryland. This was the Blattant Beast, the same that attacked Timias,and so terrible a creature was it, that even the wicked race from whichit sprang dreaded and hated it.

  This monster had iron teeth, and within the iron teeth were a thousandtongues--of dogs, cats, bears, and tigers,--but the greatest number werehuman tongues, and these uttered cruel scandals, caring not when orwhere. There were also serpents' tongues, with three-forked stings,which spat out poison and said hateful things of any who interfered withthe Beast. Indeed the delight of this horrid creature was to annoy andinjure and destroy good men and women. It was the very plague and curseof mankind, whom it bit and wounded and tormented with its venomousteeth and wicked tongues.

  Against the Blattant Beast Sir Calidore was sent, and he was commandedto give it incessant chase until he overtook and subdued it.

  It was a hard quest, for the Beast never remained in one place, and SirCalidore, without guide or good direction, had to go forth in untriedways, to unknown dangers, and to laborious effort.

  At length after a weary search and many adventures, after permittinghimself little rest either by night or by day, after pursuing the Beastfrom the court to cities, and from cities to country places, SirCalidore came into open pasture land where shepherds watched theirflocks.

  Here he so nearly overtook the monster that he forced it to hide itselffrom him amongst empty sheds and huts. By the help of these it once moreescaped the knight, who, as he still followed in pursuit, chanced toespy a group of shepherds singing and playing, whilst their sheepwandered among the fresh young plants, and nipped off their tender buds.

  All tired and heated, Calidore went up to the shepherds, and asked themwhether they had seen a Beast such as he described. They replied thatthey had neither seen it nor anything else to excite their alarm, andprayed God to deliver them from all such.

  Then one of the shepherds seeing that Calidore perspired from the heat,offered him a draught to quench his thirst, and food to relieve hishunger. The knight courteously accepted their kindness, and, sittingdown at their request, partook of their homely hospitality.

  As he rested after the meal, Sir Calidore noticed at a little distance afair damsel, dressed in home-spun, home-dyed green, with a crown offlowers tied with ribbon on her head. She sat on a little hillock higherthan the others, and around her was a circle of fair companions, whilebeyond these the shepherds lay about, piping and singing her praises,delighting in her beauty, and shouting aloud for very wonder that sobeautiful a maiden should be found amongst them. She was as good andmodest as she was lovely, and they treated her as if she were a goddess,singing day and night of fairest Pastorella.

  Many of the shepherds loved Pastorella, but one named Coridon loved herbeyond all the others, and yet the maiden cared neither for him nor anyof them. Now, while Sir Calidore looked at the fair damsel and noted thedifference in her mien from that of her companions, his heart, allunawares, became drawn towards her, and he stood gazing on her, quiteforgetful of his quest, and that the Beast was all this time gettingfarther and farther away from him. And after the repast was quite over,he still stayed talking to the shepherds, hoping all the time thatPastorella would overhear the adventures he recounted.

  Thus the day wore on until night advanced, and the ground grew damp, sothat the shepherds knew that it was time to take their flocks to rest.Then there came out to them an old man with silver locks, carrying ashepherd's crook in his hand, and he told Pastorella to arise. The oldman's name was Meliboae, and he was accounted by all, even by Pastorellaherself, as her father, but he was only her adopted father, for he hadfound her as an infant in the fields and had brought her up as his own.

  At his bidding she arose and gathered together her little flock ofsheep, and the shepherds who had sat round her gathered theirs also,while they vied one with another in helping Pastorella; yet Coridon gaveher most help.

  When Meliboae found Sir Calidore left alone, and night so near, heinvited him to his cottage, which, though poor, was a betterresting-place than the fields, and the knight accepted gladly. He waskindly welcomed both by Meliboae and his wife, who invited him to layaside his armour and to rest until supper was ready and Pastorella hadreturned from tending her sheep. When the frugal meal was ended,Pastorella removed the table, and Sir Calidore in his most courteousmanner gave thanks to his host and hostess for their kindness, andpraised the simple life which shepherds led. Meliboae replied by dwellingon the delights of a country life, adding that in his youth he hadsought a prince's court and had worked as a gardener at the palace; tenyears spent there, however, made him return home more contented thanbefore. Calidore listened much delighted, and anxious to stay on in theshepherd's hut, replied that the world's gay shows were but vanity, andthat he wished that his lot were that of Meliboae. "But," said the oldman, "the mind is the true fortune, and happiness is in each man'spower." "Then," said Sir Calidore, "let me make my happiness by stayinghere and resting awhile from the storms of fortune." And lest theexpense of his stay should prove burdensome to the old man, he drewforth much gold with which to pay for his food. This offer Meliboaerefused but he granted Calidore permission to remain.

  So he remained there, and saw Pastorella daily and offered her manycourtesies; but she, unaccustomed to courtly ways, loved the kindness ofthe shepherds better than his. Calidore therefore laid aside his armour,and dressing as a shepherd, went out into the fields and helpedPastorella with her flocks.

  At this Coridon became jealous, and whenever Sir Calidore was present,looked cross and angry; yet Sir Calidore was ever kind to Coridon, andwhen Coridon brought birds and squirrels from the wood to Pastorella,the knight praised their beauty. But the maiden ceased to care forCoridon's gift, for her heart was beginning to turn towards SirCalidore.

  One day, when the shepherds were in a merry mood, they called for musicand began to dance. They invited Sir Calidore to lead the ring, for hewas held to be first in Pastorella's favour. But Coridon frowned and bithis lips in anger, and seeing this, Sir Calidore courteously yielded tohim the place of honour, and when Pastorella placed her garland on theknight's head, he put it instead upon Coridon.

  Another day games were proposed by the shepherds, and Pastorella waschosen judge, and held the garland which was to be the victor's reward.Coridon, renowned for his skill in wrestling, challenged Calidore. Butthe knight was much stronger than Coridon expected, and easily threwhim, whereupon the garland was awarded to Sir Calidore. In hisnever-failing courtesy the knight gave it up to Coridon, declaring himwell worthy the honour.

  Thus Calidore proved himself ever courteous, and won love and honoureven from his rival, and Pastorella's heart was turned more and moretowards him, but he still forgot the Blattant Beast and his vow tofollow it without rest.

  One day, as Sir Calidore, Coridon, and Pastorella were gatheringstrawberries in a green wood, a tiger rushed suddenly out of the forest,and with cruel jaws and wide open mouth ran straight at Pastorella. Ithappened that the others had wandered a little way from her, and thepoor damsel, left defenceless, cried out for help. Coridon came runningto her aid, but seeing the fierce beast, fled in terror, for his ownlife was dearer to him than hers. But when Sir Calidore came up and sawthe tiger ready to tear Pastorella's limbs, rage, not fear, filled hissoul, and with no weapon but his shepherd's hook, he ran at the wildbeast and stunned it by his blow, and before it had time to recover
hehad struck off its head, which he laid at the feet of the tremblingPastorella. From that time she showed marked preference for Calidore,and a little after promised to be his bride.

  But one dreadful day, whilst Calidore was hunting in the woods, a partyof brigands came down upon the shepherds' dwellings, and spoiling theirhomes, murdered many of the occupants and carried off the others to sellas slaves. Amongst those taken captive were Meliboae, Pastorella, andCoridon. They were carried off during the night, for the brigands wishedno man to know where they dwelt. Now, their home was on an island,covered with brushwood, but there was no appearance of dwellers on theisland, for the brigands lived in underground caves, dark and dreary,and lighted only by candles.

  Here they brought their captives, meaning to sell them to the firstmerchants who passed that way. But they had not been long in the islandbefore the captain of the brigands fell in love with Pastorella andwished her for his wife. Now Pastorella, being betrothed to Calidore,could not listen to his wish, and this made him angry, and yet he lovedher so much that he continued to try hard to gain her affection. Allthis made her so unhappy that she became ill.

  While Pastorella lay ill, a band of free-booting merchants arrived insearch of slaves. The brigands came and told the captain who waswatching near the sick maiden, and the news made him sorrowful, for hefeared that his men would insist on Pastorella's being sold with theothers. Yet he dared not refuse; so he showed the merchants old Meliboaeand Coridon and others. But one of the merchants had heard of theshepherdess, and demanded to see her also. At this the captain grewangry and declared that the maiden was his prize, and that, moreover,she lay sick; and to prove his words, he took them to see her. But thesight of her pale beauty only made the merchants still more desirous tohave her, and they declared that unless they might buy Pastorella theywould buy no one. Thereupon the brigands demanded her sale, but thecaptain stoutly refused and drew his sword, and a fierce fight began, inwhich blood was freely spilt.

  And first of all, the captives were slain, old Meliboae, his aged wife,and many others. But Coridon escaped in the darkness, thinking nothingof his friends. All this time Pastorella was defended by the captain whostood between her and the enemy. He was slain at length, and fell withPastorella in his arms, who fainted from fear and weakness. And as shelay there the fight continued, and those slain fell upon her, so thatshe was nearly stifled to death.

  When the brigands found that their captain was gone, the fightingceased, and the combatants became as eager to make friends as they werebefore to quarrel; so having agreed among themselves, they lightedcandles and began the melancholy search for the dead. Their captain theyfound cruelly slain, and by him the dying maid. Seeing that there wasstill life in Pastorella, they used every means to restore her, and atlength succeeded. But when she was able to look round, and saw herfather and her friends lying dead, wringing her hands, she wept andwailed and wished herself of their number. However, as the brigands werevery anxious that she should get well, they took care of her in theirrude way. When they went out to plunder, they left one ofthemselves--the best, although all were bad--in charge of her, but hewas of little use, scarce giving her food or rest.

  Meantime Sir Calidore had returned from the chase and had found thedesolation caused by the brigands. He was almost mad with grief andrage, and his anguish was increased by the sad fact that there was noone to whom he could speak, nor any of whom he could ask tidings. Hesought everywhere, but in vain; the woods and the plain were alikesilent and empty. Roaming about restlessly in his despair, he at lengthsaw someone coming towards him. The new-comer was dressed in rags, hishair was standing on end, and he was running as if from great danger. Ashe came near, Sir Calidore saw that it was Coridon. Hastening up to himthe knight asked where Pastorella and the others had been taken.

  "Ah," said Coridon, sighing deeply, "would that I had never lived to seethis day, but had died before I saw Pastorella dead."

  "What," exclaimed Calidore, "Pastorella dead? How dared death touchher?" And then he persuaded Coridon to tell his sad tale; and Coridontold how he had seen Meliboae die, and the captain defend Pastorella, butas he believed,--in vain.

  On hearing these tidings, Sir Calidore's heart well-nigh broke; butafter a time he recovered spirit and determined to rescue Pastorellawere she still alive, or to avenge her, were she dead. He asked Coridonto show him the way to the Island, but he had great difficulty ininducing him to do so. At length Calidore prevailed upon him, and theywent forth dressed as shepherds, although the knight wore armour underhis peaceful garb.

  As they neared the Island they came to a hill, on which they sawshepherds with their flocks. They determined to go and learn from themthe latest tidings. Great was their surprise when Coridon recognized theflocks as the very ones that had been stolen from them, and theseshepherds no other than the thieves. This discovery alarmed him greatly,and his heart began to lose all courage, but Sir Calidore reassured himas best he could and prevailed upon him to advance upon the men, whowere all asleep. Coridon would have slain them, but Sir Calidore, whohad another plan, prevented him.

  Sitting down by their side, he wakened them gently, told them the timeof day, and beginning to talk, asked them questions which would, hehoped, reveal the truth as to Pastorella. And when the brigands in turnquestioned Sir Calidore and asked who he and his comrade might be, theknight replied that they were herdsmen who sought for hire. On hearingthis the thieves at once offered them wages to take care of theirflocks. Sir Calidore accepted the offer, and when night came, he andCoridon returned with the outlaws as their hired servants. They quicklylearned all the secrets of the caverns, and to their great joy foundthat Pastorella still lived.

  After a time of patient waiting Sir Calidore's opportunity came. Thebrigands had returned from a fray and slept soundly. In the dead ofnight Sir Calidore arose, and armed only with an old sword which he hadfound, made his way to the new captain's cavern. Coridon, too cowardlyto join boldly with him, too fearful to be left behind, followedfaltering. They found the doors fast closed, but Sir Calidore attackedthem with all his force and burst them open. The noise awoke the chiefbrigand, who came rushing to the entrance, where in a few moments SirCalidore slew him.

  Meantime the sound of the fray struck terror into the heart ofPastorella, but when the well-known and much-loved voice of Sir Calidorecalled to her, joy and comfort took the place of misery and despair, andher spirit revived within her. His voice was to her as the sunshine tothe wintry earth, and she who had longed for death felt the spring oflife arise anew within her. Nor did Sir Calidore rejoice less: like onedistraught he rushed to her, and taking her in his strong arms kissedher a thousand times.

  But now the alarm had roused all the brigand camp, who came flocking totheir captain's cavern. Sir Calidore stood in the doorway, and as theypressed forward, he slew them one by one until the entrance was fairlyblocked by dead bodies. Then he rested until daylight dawned; and whenthere was sufficient light to see his way, he arose, chose from amongthe slain a trusty sword and went out into the open day. There a greatcrowd awaited ready to attack him. Then began a terrible fight. On everyside the brigands set upon him, and sorely they oppressed him, nor didany spare him; yet so skilled and powerful was Sir Calidore that by theaid of his trusty brand he dispersed and scattered his enemies, slayingall that came into his way.

  Then Sir Calidore returned to Pastorella his betrothed, and brought herforth to the light of day, which she had not seen since she was takencaptive, and did all he could to make her forget the sorrows she hadsuffered. When he had thus comforted her he returned to the robbers'caves and took away their treasure. Bestowing the flocks they had stolenfrom old Meliboae on Coridon, Sir Calidore went forth, taking with himPastorella.

  Now all this time the Blattant Beast was ranging at will, no onestopping or restraining his course. And Sir Calidore deemed it high timeto follow his quest once more, although he must first secure the safetyof his love. He therefore took her to the Castle Belgard, where dwel
tthe good Sir Bellamour with Claribell, his wife, and there they werewarmly welcomed and hospitably entertained, for Sir Bellamour knew SirCalidore right well, and had loved him for his prowess ever since theyhad served together in the field. And Claribell was drawn towards thefair Pastorella, and tended her so lovingly that she soon grew strongand well. When Sir Calidore saw the maiden recover strength and health,he resolved to leave her in Castle Belgard, and to return to his quest,for he was ashamed to remember how long he had neglected the enterpriseentrusted to him by Gloriana.

  With ceaseless pains and toils Sir Calidore resumed his task. It was insome respects easier than before, for the Beast had gradually waxed morepowerful, and wherever it went left traces of its spoil.

  The knight found that it had invaded the homes of men of all conditionsof life and in all had done great damage; that at length it had reachedthe clergy, and among them had wrought such spoil and havoc, andcommitted such thefts that to tell all would be impossible. And now SirCalidore, who had followed its track with ceaseless care, came to amonastery, where he found the Blattant Beast destroying and despoilingwith might and main. It had broken into the cloisters and scattered themonks hither and thither; it had pursued them into their cells and hadnot spared even the holy things of religion. For it broke into thechurch and robbed the chancel; threw down the desks and injured thealtar, and cast everything into confusion.

  Here Sir Calidore found it; and the Blattant Beast, knowing his power ofold, at once fled, but the knight pursued with great swiftness and gotnearer and nearer to the monster, until at length he overtook it in anarrow place. Attacking it fiercely, Sir Calidore forced the Beast toturn and face him. Then the knight struck it with his sharp steel, andin return it rushed savagely upon him, its ugly mouth wide open so as toexpose the double row of iron teeth, and the thousand yelling, barking,back-biting tongues therein. Not one whit afraid, Sir Calidore fell uponthe monster with such might that he obliged it to give way, and for amoment so mastered it that all it could do was to spit forth poisonousvenom from its foaming, bloody jaws, threatening in vain to bite. Thenrearing itself on its hind legs, it attacked him with its claws as if itwould have rent him in pieces. But Sir Calidore was on his guard, andthrust his shield before him; then putting out all his strength heforced the creature back until it fell. Quick as thought the knightflung his shield upon it, and with all his strength held it down.

  At this the Beast raged and roared most horribly, and foamed out bloodygore, and strove in vain to rear itself upright. The more it strove, thefirmer the knight held it. It bit, and scratched, and threw out venom,and behaved like a very fiend, so mad was its rage that any should holdit under, and still Sir Calidore kept on, for the more its angerincreased the greater became his power.

  Then when the Beast felt it could do nothing against the knight, itbegan to reveal its deepest, most wicked nature, and used its tongue nolonger to spit out blood or venom, but to speak reproaches and to utterwicked lies of Sir Calidore. But even these could not cause this trueknight so to forget himself as to grow angry and release his hold for asingle moment. He held on tighter and tighter until the Beast was almoststrangled in his grasp. At length when he saw that the creature's powerwas growing less, he drew forth a muzzle made of the strongest iron, andwith it closed its cruel mouth and shut in its blasphemous tongues. Tothe muzzle he fastened a long chain, and by this drew forth the BlattantBeast, cowed and captive. Never before had any dared to curb its will orrestrain its tongues, and it greatly repined at its bondage, inwardlychafing under a restraint which nevertheless it did not dare towithstand. It trembled under Sir Calidore's mighty hand, and like abeaten dog followed him where he went. Thus was the once powerful Beastled through all Faeryland, its former victims thronging out of the townsto see it captive and to praise and admire its captor. Thus then did SirCalidore rid the world during his lifetime of a scandalous pest,although after his days the Beast broke its chain and ranged once moreat liberty.

  His quest ended, the knight returned to Pastorella, to whom a strangefortune had befallen.

  Sir Bellamour and Claribell had known troublous days in their youth. Inthese days an infant daughter had been born to them, which, owing to thesad woes that had befallen them, Claribell was forced to send away fromher. Her maid Melissa had borne the infant to the fields. With manytears she had laid it down and watched behind bushes until a shepherdcoming to the spot lifted the babe and carried it away.

  And now Melissa, who still lived with Claribell, recognized a certainmark on Pastorella's fair skin by which she was persuaded that thedamsel was none other than the long-lost babe. She ran to her mistresswith the glad tidings; at first Claribell could hardly believe her, andtrembling with uncertain joy, hurried to Pastorella and asked her manyquestions. To all Pastorella gave satisfactory answers, and Claribellovercome with the gladness of a mother's love, tenderly embraced herchild, and then went to tell her husband. Deeply rejoiced, he tooacknowledged Pastorella as his daughter.

  Thus was the fair shepherdess proved to be a right worthy bride for themighty Sir Calidore by birth as well as by beauty and goodness, and wemay be very sure that they were, as the old story-books say, "happy everafter."