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Tales from Spenser, Chosen from the Faerie Queene Page 8
Tales from Spenser, Chosen from the Faerie Queene Read online
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Faerie Queene. Book IV. Cantos IV., V., VI.
After leaving the abode of Busyran, the cruel enchanter, Britomart andAmoret met with many adventures, but in none of these did they encountereither Scudamour or Artegal. At length Britomart heard of Sir Satyrane'sfamous tournament, and to it, accompanied by Amoret, she repaired.
It was the last day of the tournament when they arrived. Many bravecombats had already taken place, but for this day was reserved the mosteager display of valour. Full many a knightly deed was wrought, and whenfortune seemed to forsake the side of Satyrane, he himself was everready to assist his knights and uphold their honour, proving once againhis far-famed prowess. Nor was there one that day who did not put forthhis utmost strength, as might be well seen from the many woundsreceived, the shivered spears and broken swords, and horses that ranriderless. Still the knights of Sir Satyrane kept the ascendency. Butwhen the day had dragged on a weary pace, there appeared from out theother side a stranger. Whence he came no man could say, nor could theydiscover aught from the arms which he bore. His steed was caparisonedwith oaken leaves, his armour looked like wild weeds decked with woodmosses, and on his ragged shield was the strange device, "Salvagessesans finesse." On entering the lists this new-comer levelled his spearat the first knight he met, and overthrew him at the first encounter.Knight after knight he vanquished, until his spear split, and then hedrew his sword, and with it hewed and slashed at helmets until everyonebegan to shun the very sight of him as of death itself. And now all menwondered who this was, and whence he came, inquiring one of another bywhat name he was called, and when they could learn nothing they dubbedhim the Savage Knight because of his wild appearance. He was, however,no knight of the woods, but Artegal, the brave and mighty.
Thus were Sir Satyrane and his knights dismayed by the sole power ofArtegal, and none of them durst stand in the field before him, but werebeaten back and chased about all the day, until evening came, and thesun began to slant downwards in the heavens. Then, again, there rushedout from the thickest press, an unknown knight, who in turn put to shameeven the glory of Sir Artegal.
This was Britomart, who, eager to restore the day to Sir Satyrane, benther powerful spear towards Artegal's helmet, and smote him so sore ablow that he fell from his charger, and was for a time unable to arise.Nor did others who crossed spears with the stranger fare better; andwhen the fighting was over, Britomart, content with having restored theglory of the field to Satyrane, went on her way with Amoret, ignorantthat she had, all unawares, seen and fought with Artegal her love.
He, however, was sore at heart, by reason of his defeat, and eager tohave his revenge on the unknown warrior.
Meantime, Scudamour still sought his wife. He had, by this time, heardof her rescue, but instead of feeling grateful to Britomart, he wasjealous and suspicious of her, for the wicked hag Ate had spoken ill ofthe noble maid, and tried to create enmity against her.
From being suspicious, Scudamour became unjust, and in his wrath againstBritomart, had nearly slain old Glauce, her faithful squire. In vain didthe aged dame try to pacify his wrath; the more calmly she spoke, themore angry he grew, and yet their common interest held them together. Atlength, after various wanderings, they one day encountered an armedknight, who, when he saw them approach, rode rapidly towards them as ifbent on an attack. Scudamour, perceiving his purpose, rode forward,ready for the combat, but, as the other knight came near and saw thearms which Scudamour bore, he checked his charger, and riding quietlyup, addressed him courteously, calling him by his name, and praying tobe pardoned for the offence against a friend which he had so nearlycommitted.
To this, Scudamour replied, that at worst it were a slight offence totry his sword with any venturous knight, and begged to know who it wasthat had thus called him by name.
"Call me the Savage Knight," said Artegal, "as others do."
"Then," said Scudamour, "interpret your name; have you taken it for somesecret purpose, or only because your home is in the forest?"
"The other day," Artegal replied, "a stranger knight did me shame, and Iwait to wreak revenge upon him when he shall pass this way."
At this answer, Scudamour asked who the stranger knight might be, andArtegal told him that he was one whose name was unknown, although hisfame was far renowned. He was called the Knight of the Heben Spear, andhaving borne down all opponents in a great tournament lately held by SirSatyrane, had departed, carrying with him the fairest lady ever seen.
When Scudamour heard mention of the dread spear, he knew it must beBritomart of whom Artegal spoke, and his rage kindling afresh, heexclaimed in angry accents--
"This is not the first uncourtly deed of which that knight is guilty; hehath stolen from me my true love, and if this hand can aid in therevenge you purpose, it shall not fail you when the time arrives."
So together they plotted vengeance on the unconscious and nobleBritomart.
While they were thus talking, they saw far off, a knight, dressed inforeign arms and strange accoutrements, whom on nearer approach, theyrecognized as none other than this same Knight of the Heben Spear. ThenScudamour prayed Sir Artegal to let him make the first attack. Artegalgranted the request, and Scudamour, preparing his spear for battle, ranfiercely against his foe. Britomart, seeing his intention, prepared toreceive the onset, and so entertained Sir Scudamour, that presently bothhorse and rider were on the ground.
And now Artegal, beholding Scudamour's mischance, advanced his lance,and full of rage and vengeance, rode against the maiden; but lo! allunawares, Artegal also left his saddle, and to his great amazement,found himself on the ground. He leapt lightly up, and snatching hisdeadly blade, sprang upon Britomart, assailing her with such vigour thatalthough she was mounted and he on foot, she was forced to give waybefore him. Now, as they fought, it happened that Britomart wheeledsuddenly round, when Sir Artegal's sword struck a blow behind her crest,which falling backward, wounded her steed, and forced her to dismount.
Not a whit dismayed, she cast from her the enchanted spear, and betookherself to her shield and sword. So furiously did she fight thatArtegal, exhausted by his long combat, had to yield before her, and hersword pierced through his armour and wounded him so that his bloodflowed freely on the green grass.
But now the tide of battle began to change, for Britomart grew weary,while Artegal, through very fighting, seemed to gain rather than to losestrength. He showered blow after blow on his opponent as if he wouldtear her body from her soul, and then gathering together all his force,the Savage Knight upraised his arm to deal a stroke from which it seemedimpossible that Britomart could escape with her life. Down came thecruel blow, and falling on her helmet, struck off the face-piece, thenglancing aside, did no further hurt.
And now appeared the maiden's beauteous countenance, shining like theruddy morn; and all around, her fair hair--loosened from its band by thestir of the fight--fell like a golden shower glistening as the shiningsand. And as Sir Artegal once more raised his sword, thinking to dealthe last deadly blow, his arm was suddenly arrested; and benumbed withsecret fear, shrank from its revengeful purpose, while the cruel swordfell from his slackened fingers to the ground. Then Artegal, havinggazed long on the fair and unexpected vision, fell humbly on his knee,thinking that she who stood before him was a heavenly goddess, andhorror-struck with what he had done, prayed for pardon.
But Britomart, full of wrath because of the stroke that had revealed herface, still held her arm uplifted, and standing sternly over the knight,threatened to strike unless he would return to the combat, bidding himarise or he should surely die. But Artegal only prayed the moreearnestly for pardon, or if that were refused him, besought that shewould take her will and inflict on him what punishment she chose.
And when Scudamour, who now quaked with fear, watched her as she stoodresolute, and beheld how fair and heavenly her countenance appeared, hecrossed himself, and began to worship her as a celestial vision. And oldGlauce seeing this, an
d knowing that now all jealousy of Britomart wouldbe at rest, was joyful at the thought of a good ending to her soretrouble, and greeting her lost nursling, prayed her as she loved herfaithful squire to grant these warriors a truce. The maiden yielded toher request, and the knights raised their beavers to show who they were.
When Britomart beheld the face of Artegal in all its manly beauty, shesaw that it was the countenance she had beheld in the magic mirror inher father's house; her angry courage gave way, her haughty spiritbecame subdued, and her upraised arm fell quietly by her side.
But the maiden was very proud, and cared not to show that she wasconquered, so by-and-bye she tried to uplift her hand again, as if rageand revenge still remained in her soul, but it fell harmless, for shecaught sight of Sir Artegal's fair countenance. Then she tried to forcebitter, angry words from her tongue, but it too refused to obey herwill, and instead of wrathful speeches, would utter only mild and gentlewords.
And Scudamour, relieved from all his jealous fears by the vision of herloveliness, grew sportive in his speech, rallying Sir Artegal on his sosudden humble behaviour towards his late opponent.
"Indeed, Sir Artegal," he exclaimed, "I delight to see you, who werewont to despise all fair dames, become so suddenly a lady's thrall."
When Britomart heard the name of Artegal, she knew in very truth thatthis was the knight whom Merlin had told her she should wed. Her heartgave a great leap. She trembled for sudden joy and secret fear, whilethe blood rushed through her veins and mounted to her fair face. Then,fearful of betraying herself, she strove the harder to continue in herformer angry mood, trying thus to hide her newly-awakened feeling.
And now old Glauce began to speak wise words.
"Ye gentle knights," she said, "whom fortune hath brought to bespectators of the emotion which secret fate hath wrought in this fairlady, marvel not, and henceforth be not the prey of idle fears andjealous thoughts. Nor may you, Sir Artegal, again disdain the might ofwoman's arm, which hath twice conquered you, nor any longer berebellious unto love, which is the crown of knighthood and the bond ofnoble minds. And you, fair lady knight," continued the old woman,"relent, and grant him your grace."
Britomart blushed deeply at her nurse's words, but Artegal rejoiced inhis inmost heart, yet dared not make too sudden a change in hisdemeanour, nor show openly the love which her beauty and quiet dignityof manner, so grave and full of princeliness, inspired within him. Buthis passion grew the stronger from the very restraint imposed upon him.
Here Scudamour, whose heart had all this time been racked with fear andhope, interposed, with a request for tidings of Amoret. This Britomartat once granted, and went on to relate a sad tale: how, after freeingher from the enchanter, and guarding her with tender care and love formany a day, she had lost her in a wild desert, where from sheerweariness Britomart had fallen asleep.
Poor Scudamour was terribly cast down by these melancholy tidings, andonly plucked up a faint hope when Britomart pledged herself to remainwith him until together they found the missing dame.
Meantime the three combatants being thus reconciled one to another,mounted their steeds, and rode towards a certain resting-place known toSir Artegal, where they were well received and cared for. Here theyremained until their wounds were healed, and their weary limbsthoroughly rested.
And all the time they sojourned there, Sir Artegal served Britomart withmeek service, watching continually how he might best please her. Thusday by day he made progress in his suit; and though Britomart in herwomanly pride tried hard to conceal the love she bore him she could notquite succeed. So well did Artegal woo, so skilfully did he contrive,that at length he brought the noble damsel to bay and forced her to layaside her seeming indifference and to hearken to his words. And as shelistened to the vows with which he swore to love and guard her,Britomart's reserve gave way, and she yielded a glad consent to love andown him for her lord until marriage should unite them for ever.
But their marriage might not be yet, for Sir Artegal had been sent outfrom the court of Gloriana, Queen of Faeryland, on a hard adventure, anduntil it was achieved he might not turn aside from following after it.And now that his limbs were rested and his wounds were healed, theknight knew the time was come when he must leave Britomart and continueon his way, so he told her of the adventure on which he was bound. She,poor maiden, having just begun to taste of the rest and comfort of hispresence, was sorely grieved and exceeding loth to be so soon partedfrom her "dearest love." But he, strong in the sense of duty, persuadedher to acquiesce, and with fresh vows of love and constancy, promised toreturn to her so soon as ever his enterprise was ended, which would not,he thought, be longer than three months.
Early next morning, Sir Artegal rose and pursued his way unattended,save by Britomart, who insisted on accompanying him a certain distance.
As they rode, she found first one, and then another excuse for delay,and talked of the perils he must encounter; perils of which the fearlessmaiden would have thought little for herself. But it was of no avail;all her stratagems but served to wear away the day; evening came, whenthey must part. Full often Britomart took leave of her lord, each timefinding some last injunction to give, until at length she had spent allher words and could find no further pretext for delay, and so with rightheavy heart she left him, and returned to fulfil her promise toScudamour.
How Sir Artegal did at last return from his enterprise and marry thePrincess Britomart, Spenser does not say, for he did not live to end allthe tales he had begun. But we know that they were married and livedhappily, for Merlin prophesied this when Britomart and Glauce wenttogether to his cave.